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5" and 6" K Ironman Combo Gutter Machine - IN STOCK!

Item # MIRONCOMBO | 5/6 Ironman 2 Spool Package | Package

Product Highlights:

The KWM Ironman 5” and 6” Combo K Gutter Machine has several useful features that give it an edge over competitors. With this machine, you’ll get high-quality gutters in less time with a system that’s easy to use. 

  • Produce up to 35 feet of gutter per minute and choose between 5” K and 6” K gutter profiles
  • One drive system, one machine, with two different sizes of gutters! Change or from 5" to 6" and back to 6" in minutes with a simple, common sense change over kit. Eliminates the need for two different gutter machines.
  • No coil loading before transport thanks to the polyurethane drive system – cutting down on material waste 
  • Chrome-plated, steel-forming rollers mean you can roll form materials with minimal-to-no adjustment 
  • USA-made and equipped with the best comprehensive warranty in the business 


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the K Ironman Combo
Gutter Machine
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